
Mexican Minestrone

I'm Back!  maybe not better, but I'm back at least.

Its been a bit of a hiatus.  After moving I discovered several excuses for not cooking.  Namely, i Hate my kitchen in my apartment.  The oven constantly sets of the smoke alarm when there is nothing smoking, and the burners aren't really fine tuned in terms of high-medium-low.  Over the past couple of months, I've ruined a few easy dishes, quit cooking, and returned to cooking.  Excuse number two:  It is hot in the kitchen.  I miss central air, and my kitchen is decidedly not well ventilated.  Final excuse:  my boyfriend is anti produce.  Something about vegetables bringing death at an earlier age or something?  If you recall my Lenten attempt at vegetarianism, this is a bit of an issue.  But, I've rallied the troops and we're back on track.  I'm starting off with something easy, out of my favorite kitchen gadget, the crockpot.  Its not full of fresh veggies from a farmers market, but its a step into the right direction.

2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
3 cans stewed Mexican tomatoes
1 can corn, rinsed and drained
1 cup salsa
1 can reduced sodium chicken broth
1 cup salsa
1 cup frozen green beans
2 medium potatoes, coarsely chopped

Combine all ingredients and cook on high in slow cooker for 7-9 hours and Enjoy!

I cooked this overnight to eat for lunch this week.  I woke up at 3 AM and couldn't fall back to sleep because the smell was so enticing!  Despite being full of canned goodness, it didn't fail to delight.  It was about as yummy as it smelled and it was fully of yummy, fiber filled bean, tomato, and soupy goodness.  a recipe for happiness!  Plus,for the WW crowd it is about 4 points for a serving (recipe makes 6-8 servings). 

Stay tuned for more food updates.  I'm traveling a lot for work so it might be a little far and few between for the next few weeks, but I'm back to sauteing away!